Book Reviews

Bad Therapy – Why the Kids Aren’t Growing Up

Abigail Shrier - 2024

Bad Therapy is an eye-opening look into the overuse of all kinds of therapy on our kids and how it is weakening an entire generation. Kids have trouble in school?  Get a therapist.  Kids have trouble with friends? Get a therapist. You have probably heard it and seen it,  Now it is time to understand the damage caused by too much unnecessary therapy.

Bestselling author Abigail Shrier interviewed therapists, psychologists, teachers, parents and others engaged in helping children who seem to need help. She found that overuse of therapies have transformed the way we teach and the way we raise our kids and the results are bad and getting worse.

If you are raising kids this is a must-read. If you wonder why our youth seem weak and confused this is must read.

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