The Culture Warrior

Joe’s New Book

  Introducing Joe’s New Book! Joe Scarlett, former President and Chairman for Tractor Supply Company, has completed his new book…

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Dive into Public Speaking

One of the most common fears in life is speaking in public. I have seen people of all ages freeze…

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Be direct in your business: It’s a winning formula

Throughout my career I have always tried to be direct in my business dealings. I learned early in life that…

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Learn from the best- Your competition

Technology is pushing our world forward at an accelerated pace. Things are changing rapidly. So to stay out ahead of…

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It’s the Manager

In any organization it is clear that the manager makes the biggest difference in employee effectiveness and team productivity. The…

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Empty Planet: The Shock of Global Population Decline

Learn about population trends throughout the world – which countries are declining now and when others will decline. The information…

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Progress: Ten Reasons to Look Forward to the Future

If you are not sure how good things in the world are now just read this book and see how…

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Want to maximize results? Learn to keep it simple

Ask what time it is and sometimes you’ll hear about how to build a watch. It’s very common to get…

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Leaders Deliver Bad News

Nobody likes delivering bad news. But there are times when leaders must do the hard work.

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Winners Follow The High Road – Why There is no Substitute for High Ethical Standards

Learn why there is no substitute for high ethical standards. Listen to discussion and analysis about serious ethical shortcomings in…

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