
Dont let it go to your head – stay humble

To take pride in ourselves is a beautiful thing – in moderation. We all seek to achieve success, though its…

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Book Reviews

The Brothers

If American history is your thing you will love this very interesting book about the Dulles Brothers. Read how two…

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Book Reviews


We all know that our country is headed for a fiscal catastrophe sometime in the future and we also know…

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Stress management for leaders

If I could offer a fool-proof plan for a stress-free life, I’d do it. But the truth is that we…

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What is on your learning agenda?

Remaining in a state of constant learning is no longer optional for a business leader – the world is changing…

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Leaders can improve the political and social dialogue

As a leader, you impact the people around you – whether you like it or not. Your reach comes with…

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Book Reviews

America’s Cultural Revolution

This is a first-class insightful analysis of the cultural revolution going on in our society for the last sixty plus…

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Managers manage tasks; Leaders inspire people

In conversation, management and leadership often become lumped together – but it’s important to acknowledge the significant differences that exist…

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Work hard and work smart

We always talk about working hard, assuming hard work equals good results. And in most cases, this is true. But…

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Don’t be shy – ask!

We should all strive to be life-long learners: taking the time to grow our knowledge and our relationships for as…

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